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5 Best Violin Books for Young Beginners (with sample pages)​

← All blog posts 5 Best Violin Books for Young Beginners (with sample pages) Table of Contents: Intro Fiddle Time

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Choosing The Right Pieces For Your Students

← All blog posts Choosing The Right Pieces For Your Students Choosing the right pieces for your students can often

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Duett is One of the 100 Best Music Education Sites on the Planet!

← All blog posts Duett is One of the 100 Best Music Education Sites on the Planet! It’s time for

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4 Tips to Instantly Become a Better Music Teacher

← All blog posts 4 Tips to Instantly Become a Better Music Teacher To become a good music teacher, it’s

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How to Write Lesson Notes for Your Students

← All blog posts How To Write Lesson Notes For Your Students The notes you make for your students after

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The Visual Approach to Sight-Reading

← All blog posts The Visual Approach to Sight-Reading When reading sheet music, a lot of children find it difficult

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Using Sight-Reading to Improve Your Concentration

← All blog posts Concentration in the 21st century The ability to concentrate over a longer period of time is

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How to Perform Well if You Are Nervous​

← All blog posts How to Perform Well If You Are Nervous One of the reasons why we get nervous

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How to Combat your Performance Nerves

← All blog posts How to Combat Your Performance Nerves Are you one of those who tremble with fear before

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