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Piano £30.00 - £50.00


  • Qualification
    Master of Arts in Music performance (Switzerland 2017)
  • Qualification
    Master of Arts in Music Pedagogy (Switzerland 2019)
  • Qualification
    Master in Performance (Royal College of Music London 2021)

A life without music would be a mistake, as would music without life

I’m Alessio from Italy and I have been playing the piano for the past 18 years.

Since I was little, my parents took me in family trips to discover the world together. We went to the Northern part of Italy, and while we were visiting a church, I seated on a chair and there was something there playing, a melody pervaded the whole place where I was. It was a piano playing, from a CD… and I stayed there waiting to listen until the end of that piece. In that moment, I literally fell in love with the instrument (I was 7 y.o.). As soon as I came back home, my family took me to private piano lessons because I was always singing that melody and, after few months of training, I passed the audition of my Conservatorie, in Palermo.

Under the guidance of my first teacher I discovered this wonderful world and we started this incredible journey that enriched me so much, as a person and as a piano player, leading me to my first piano competitions and masterclasses.

After 9 years, at the age of 17, I gave my final degree exam, with honours results , and few months later, after finishing my High School Diploma, I tried auditioning for the major Conservatory of Italian Switzerland where I was successful and finally begun my first Master’s Program.

Later on, concluding my Master of Arts in Music Performance, I decided to embrace the pedagogy world that surrounds the piano, and so I got accepted to my second master program, Master of Arts in Music Pedagogy. In December 2018 before finishing my second year of my second master’s degree , I decided to look forward to change environment and face the audition at the prestigious Royal college of Music in London, where I was subsequently offered a place with scholarship for both years 2019/2020 and 2020/2021. Nowadays, I’m going to finish my third Master here in London and beginning to start from the next year my very last step of my academic trip, the Artist Diploma in Performance, specialty in Collaborative piano.

According to my personal musical background, all the teachers I have had over the years had a great impact on my musical soul, in different ways, and I couldn’t ever be grateful enough for all the passion and knowledge they gave to me.

I’m deeply convinced that the right teacher can make the difference in how we experience and discover the art of piano playing, and how we get in close contact with our inner personality as well in life.

I’ve always been interested on learning at my best how to involve students discovering together this huge and beautiful world that music represents to me, and after being Teacher Assistant in Lugano (Switzerland) for two years, I’ve been working here in London with private students since September 2019, and can’t wait to spread as much as I can the love that music brings to our souls and hearts! Alessio Enea, Palermo (1996), began his studies at the Alessandro Scarlatti Conservatory of Palermo. From an early age he took part in national and international competitions that led him to obtain several awards, such as the “First prize” at the City of Caccamo Competition, resulting in the recording of a CD. After graduating with honors from his conservatory, he attempts admission to the prestigious “Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana” in Lugano, Switzerland, where he moves and obtains a Master of Arts in Music Performance with top marks under the guidance of M. Nora Doallo. The following year, he succeeded in reaching the final stages of the renowned Italian national competition “Premio Venezia”.

Over the years, he has refined his skills as a chamber musician, performing in various formations, in duo and trio, in Italy and Switzerland. Always interested in teaching piano, he decided to undertake the study of it, achieving exactly two years later the Master of Arts in Music Pedagogy, with honors, and qualifying for all purposes to teach the instrument. Then, after auditioning, he became a student of the prestigious Royal College of Music in London, where he attended his final year of the Master of Performance under the guidance of M. Dmitri Alexeev, where he was a “Mr. & Mrs. Brass” and “Charles Napper” scholarship holder for having performed the best audition in the whole school. In December he passed the selections to undertake the Artist Diploma in Performance, with specialization in chamber music.

During his studies in Palermo and Lugano, he had the opportunity to study with international pianists, such as Homero Francesch, Roberto Prosseda, Vladimir Askenazy, Macha Yanouchevsky and Andrey Yaroshinsky, taking part in masterclasses held mainly in Lenk im Simmenthal (Switzerland), Catania and Palermo.

During his Swiss period, he had the opportunity to attend several chamber music courses of professors such as Saiko Sasaki, Massimo Quarta, Pavel Berman, Klaidi Sahatci.

He has performed in concerts held in Palermo (Teatro Politeama), LAC (Lugano), Venice (Teatro la Fenice), Milan (MAC) and Turin, as well as in Lenk in Switzerland, both as a chamber musician and soloist, always achieving great success.




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